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May 5, 2017
13:39, EEST
Forum Posts: 16
Member Since:
November 2, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi all,
I have been testing my Ua client with simulation server. I have developed a GUI for my client, I am facing a problem like whenever I am trying to read a value from the server a new session is created on the server.I guess normally it should create a single session until the client disconnects from the server, is it like that?

How Can we create a single session for my client (until I restart the client)?. so that I can read values n number of times in a single session!

As i noticed the server can hold only 50 sessions, then the Client program shows error. What will be the session count for the real time server?

May 5, 2017
14:21, EEST
Bjarne Boström
Forum Posts: 994
Member Since:
April 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


Yes normally you do multiple operations per session. Please read OPC UA Specification part 1 for the general concepts.

You did not mention which SDK you are using to develop your client? Assuming our Java SDK, then please see the SampleConsoleClient example.

Max number of concurrently active sessions depends on the server. For simulation server this number is currently 50.

– Bjarne

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