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Does the latest OPC UA Simulation Server support issuedToken as user authentication method
May 9, 2024
9:43, EEST
New Member
Forum Posts: 2
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May 9, 2024
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Hi Team,

I have noticed that OPC UA Simulation Server seems to support issuedToken before (by checking v3.1.6 user manual).
And there is still a checkbox for IssuedToken/External System on the Users tab in v5.4.0 but it seems that it doesn’t work anymore.

I have tried to restart the simulation server after enabled it but it turned out to be unchecked again.

Does the latest OPC UA Simulation Server support issuedToken as user authentication method?

Best Regards,

May 10, 2024
10:23, EEST
Jouni Aro
Forum Posts: 1015
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December 21, 2011
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Well, I don’t think it ever really supported it. So, there is the user interface for enabling the token verification, but seems indeed that it’s simply ignored.

What kind of use are you envisioning – what kind of tokens would you like to use? We haven’t seen the tokens is use in real application much at all, so far, so this is also waiting for the proper use cases.

May 10, 2024
11:30, EEST
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Hi Jouni,

You’re right, that is not a common use case. I just tried to use the JWT got from an OAuth2 provider as issuedToken for the user authentication.
I know that this requires some verification logic or other processing on the server side, so it’s reasonable that the Prosys OPC UA Simulation Server, being a free and simulation tool mainly focused on common functionalities, does not support this.

Anyway, I just wanted to confirm whether this feature is currently supported. Thank you for your quick response.

May 10, 2024
11:40, EEST
Jouni Aro
Forum Posts: 1015
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December 21, 2011
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OK, fine. I guess OAuth2 would be the most feasible option to add in future.

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