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Adding new static variables on the server
January 30, 2020
13:17, EET
New Member
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
January 30, 2020
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Is it possible to add new static variables on the Simulation Server? There are for example BooleanDataItem variable under DataItems as default. Is it possible to add for example “BooleanDataItem2”? If yes, how can I do that?

Product version of the Simulation Server is 4.0.2-108.

Best Regards,

January 30, 2020
15:33, EET
Markus Johansson
Forum Posts: 42
Member Since:
August 6, 2019
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You can only add static BaseDataVariables. Do this by selecting “Add Node” -> “Add Variable”. If you then set the signal type as “Constant”, the Node will have no signal and can be written to.

January 30, 2020
16:22, EET
New Member
Forum Posts: 2
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January 30, 2020
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thanks for the reply. I have tested that already and for the numeric values it fulfills my requirements. However, if I liked to create a full simulation twin for my device (having for example strings and arrays), that would not be possible. Because your simulation server already supports pretty widely different data types, I would like to have a possibility to extend the data model on the simulation server with my data structure. Could this be implemented for example by extending the settings.xml file of the Simulation Server so that the user could define his/her own variables and folders (objects) containing other variables based on the existing data types? Another option could be to allow for example string type signals to be simulated if the signal type is selected to constant, although the string type signal does not make too much sense from the simulation point of view?

January 30, 2020
18:11, EET
Markus Johansson
Forum Posts: 42
Member Since:
August 6, 2019
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Currently these kind of thing are not possible but they are definitely interesting and novel ideas. The Simulation Server is a free software for simple testing and demonstration. These features are quite a bit more complex, but surely something we might look into in the future.

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