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Support of Global Discovery and Certificate Management Server
September 6, 2022
16:51, EEST
Forum Posts: 7
Member Since:
September 9, 2021
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

does anybody know if the Java SDK supports the Global Discovery and Certificate Management Server profile
as specified in the OPC Unified Architecture Specification Part 12?
Especially the central certificate Management (server certificate request etc.)?

Thanks, Peter

September 7, 2022
9:41, EEST
Bjarne Boström
Forum Posts: 994
Member Since:
April 3, 2012
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Depends on your definition of ‘support’, but not really, not yet (some prototyping internally, but nothing release-grade). Though, we are also kinda not aware of any GDS being in use in the field since there doesn’t yet seem to be any real implementation/product out there. Are you aware of one or was this more like a question in general?

In a technical sense, since the GDS stuff is just normal nodes + Read/Write/Call, you could in theory implement the required stuff manually with a lot of work. The certificates are used via a CertificateStore and you could have a custom implementation if the PkiDirectoryCertificateStore is not enough.

September 8, 2022
17:16, EEST
Forum Posts: 7
Member Since:
September 9, 2021
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

..this was a question of one of our customers from Japan 🙂
But I have no more specific information, if they already use a GDS and if yes which one.
So, thank you for your answer, I don’t expect more details from Japan, but if I get some, I will let you know.

Regards, Peter

April 24, 2024
17:49, EEST
Forum Posts: 76
Member Since:
August 20, 2014
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi Prosys Team,
this thread is 2 years old but we currently have exactly this request from a current customer project. Was is decided in the meantime when your SDK will support the GDS functionality?
Did you try the UaGDS from unified automation? That tool semms to me to be the most complete GDS implementation available.

Thanks in advance.


April 25, 2024
10:20, EEST
Jouni Aro
Forum Posts: 1015
Member Since:
December 21, 2011
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Hi Ibrahim,

Yes, we have been prototyping against the UaGDS. It still needs work to integrate properly within the SDK, though. But, you can contact our support and we can discuss your case further and see what’s the best approach to provide it to you.

BR, Jouni

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