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Is there any timeout or other parameters for the client and session?
October 31, 2022
22:51, EET
Forum Posts: 33
Member Since:
July 27, 2021
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


Similar to lifetimetimout (with lifetimecount) and maxkeepalivecount for subscription, is there any time restrictions or settings for client or session itself?
If so, what is the default values? And how to handle timeouts?
If not, can we assume the client and session to be connected and running all the time without restrictions?


November 1, 2022
10:52, EET
Bjarne Boström
Forum Posts: 994
Member Since:
April 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

If we take the whole OpenSecureChannel, CreateSession, ActivateSession etc. into account there are 10s of settings. However, in practice SDK handles all that for you, you just set what security mode you wish to use (+user auth if needed). Explaining it in full is outside of the scope of any forum answer and would be impossible to do in any timely manner (this is 10s pages if not 100+ in the OPC UA Specification, depending on how you count).

Thus, please just read the UaClient javadocs (search “timeout” if you are interested on that) and the tutorials.

If you have a specific problem, please say that, and then I can hopefully give a more deeper answer.

However, I can at least note of the timeouts: How to handle timeouts is upto you. They are just another ServiceException, though I have to note that it might be impossible to know if the request was timeouted by the SDK in the client side or did the server actually send the Bad_Timeout StatusCode. In some cases it is simply increasing the timeout value with UaClient.setTImeout(…) (though that will affect all messages, but not the “status check” Reading of ServerStatus nor connecting and the connection timeout only controls the initial connection, after that we read some type info so the actual time might be longer).

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