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Instantiating a new server "UaNodeObject" using an instance of a "UaObjectTypeNode"
December 16, 2013
0:35, EET
New Member
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
December 16, 2013
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I’m trying the OPC UA Java SDK and at the same time becoming familiar with the OPC UA specifications.
I am following the Java SDK Server Tutorial and have created an instance of UaObjectTypeNode – in the tutorial, this object is named “myDeviceType”.
I understand that it is possible to add Components and Properties to myDeviceType, in order to provide a complete definition of this Type in the OPC UA Server Address Space.
After fully defining myDeviceType, with all its Components and Properties, I now want to instantiate several UaObjectNode objects based on the definition of myDeviceType – for example, myDevice1, myDevice2, myDevice3.
However, I cannot see a simple way of creating these UaNodeObject instances, complete with all the Components and Properties I defined for myDeviceType. It seems that I need to explicitly add all the same Components and Properties to each instance of myDeviceType.
Am I missing something?

Martin Boers

December 16, 2013
8:43, EET
Jouni Aro
Forum Posts: 1015
Member Since:
December 21, 2011
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Yes, that is unfortunately the case with the SDK 1.x.

With SDK 2.0 we will have ways to instantiate objects from the type definitions. You should have received a notification of the public beta last week. Please send mail to sales at prosysopc.com, if you missed that.

In the new SampleConsoleServer there is a createTestInstance() method which shows an example of it. The exact syntax is still subject to change, though, so I won’t mention it here.

With SDK 1.x, the best option is to write a Java class that implements the complete structure. For SDK 2.0 we will also provide a way to generate this kind of Java classes.

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