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FileTypeImpl Open - Method was not found
October 21, 2022
12:05, EEST
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
October 21, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


i’m using prosys-opc-ua-client-4.2.0-955 and want to access files on a UA CPP Testserver. Therefore i creteated a FileType and used fileType.open(FileTypeOpenMode.Read) to get the fileHandle.
I get the following exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The method node ‘Open’ was not found in object …
When I’ try it with a simple MethodCall I can open the file in read mode an get back the filehandle.

Thank you in advance and best regards

October 24, 2022
13:13, EEST
Bjarne Boström
Forum Posts: 994
Member Since:
April 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


That would happen if there is no “Open” Method node attached to the FileType node via HasComponent Reference. Can you check does it exist?

Do you have the latest version of that test server? If not can you update?

In the technical sense, that search of the method node is specific to our SDK, as the instance could have overridden the Method node during instantiation, but in some cases you might be able to do the call “manually” if you just gave it the correct Method NodeId, however the reference should still exist there, as it has the Mandatory ModellingRule.

October 24, 2022
15:37, EEST
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
October 21, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


thanks for the fast reply.

Yes, the HasComponent Reference is correct and it is the latest version of the testserver. I also tried a second server with the same result. With fileType.open I also get the Exception.

Thank you and best regards

October 24, 2022
18:31, EEST
Bjarne Boström
Forum Posts: 994
Member Since:
April 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

It is a bit hard to say then, because that exception “The method node ‘Open’ was not found in object ” specifically happens if we couldn’t find a HasComponent target with the BrowseName (“Open” here) from the node..

I do note that the SDK version you have is very old, the latest is 4.9.0, thus if possible could you check with the latest version? Any fix, if needed, would be done on top of the latest version.

October 25, 2022
9:50, EEST
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
October 21, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I started the tests with the latests version (4.9.0-43) again and had the same results.

October 25, 2022
10:10, EEST
Bjarne Boström
Forum Posts: 994
Member Since:
April 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Can you show how you did get the node (or maybe the whole interaction with the filetype node)? Basically this should be uaclient.getAddressSpace().getNode(NODE_ID_HERE) with a cast to FileTypeImpl or getNode(NodeId, Class) with the FileTypeImpl.class, then calling open on that.

Since you said “Therefore i creteated a FileType”, just to doublecheck:
There is a theoretical chance that you used the constructor of FileTypeImpl, if you did: do not do that, they are only intended to be called by the SDK internally (and that one should probably be protected, though historically some of the types had public constructors, but our codegenerator nowadays makes them protected, but this type contains some manual additions and probably was not changed). Effectively if you did this, then the node misses all of it’s references and thus it will fail.

If it wasn’t that, I would need to see screenshots of the server showing the references list of the FileType instance with e.g. https://www.prosysopc.com/products/opc-ua-browser/. You can also use that to test reading a file (r-click menu shows an entry on FileType nodes). Send them to uajava-support@prosysopc.com.

October 31, 2022
12:35, EET
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
October 21, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Yes, I used the constructor. Sorry, was not clear to me, to cast FileTypeImpl.
Thank you, now it is working.

Best regards

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