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Cannot re-browse folders in MyNodeManager
July 12, 2022
13:47, EEST
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
July 12, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi Team,
I am new in the forum and a newbie in Prosysopc, so please tell me if the information I give is incomplete/not clear. Also I would like to add an image to make it clearer but I cannot find the way. In Opc Expert I would like to show the folder tree in the left frame. It works perfectly when I first receive the data from the server. So far so good, by contrast when I modify the name of the folder on the server, the folder has still the same name in the client, and their tags are appended to the already existing entries. Also, a new folder with the data of the old one and the name of the new one is created. I am using MyNodeManager(extends NodeManagerUaNode).

The code is the following:

private FolderTypeNode myObjectsFolder;
private UaObjectNode myDevice;
final UaObject objectsFolder = getNodeManagerTable().getNodeManagerRoot().getObjectsFolder();
myObjectsFolder = createInstance(FolderTypeNode.class, “MyObjects”, myObjectsFolderId);
this.addNodeAndReference(objectsFolder, myObjectsFolder, Identifiers.Organizes);

final NodeId myDeviceId = new NodeId(ns, “MyDevice”);
myDevice = new UaObjectNode(this, myDeviceId, “MyDevice”, Locale.ENGLISH);
myObjectsFolder.addReference(myDevice, Identifiers.HasComponent, false);

QualifiedName deviceQualifiedName = new QualifiedName(getNamespaceIndex(), devicePath);
NodeId deviceId = new NodeId(getNamespaceIndex(), “MyLevel”);
UaNode myLevel = new UaObjectNode(this, deviceId, deviceQualifiedName, new LocalizedText(devicePath, Locale.ENGLISH));

if(!getNodeManagerTable().hasNode(myLevelId)) {

Does anyone have an idea what is happening and how to fix the issue?
Thanks and regards.

July 12, 2022
15:38, EEST
Jouni Aro
Forum Posts: 1015
Member Since:
December 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Maybe the problem is in the client application that you are using, that it does not refresh the nodes after your updates. Please check out with Prosys OPC UA Browser and use the Refresh action in the address space after you have modified the server to update it.

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