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September 12, 2017
10:52, EEST
Vienna, Austria
Forum Posts: 20
Member Since:
April 9, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


I am using the latest OPC UA Client (2.3.3-170)
It seems like the ApplicationUri is created at launch of the software.
The problem is that sometimes it does not match the one from the Certificate.
The one in the certificate is like that:

The one in the CreateSession (the same in the About Menu) is

When I restart the application sometimes the one in the About Menu/CreateSession is the same as the certificate.

As specified in the OPC UA Specification, the OPC UA Server shall check both when connecting with a secure SecurityPolicy.
So sometimes I can not connect Prosys OPC UA Client with my OPC UA Server with a secure Security Policy, only None is working.


September 12, 2017
12:23, EEST
Bjarne Boström
Forum Posts: 994
Member Since:
April 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


As the ApplicationUri must be globally unique (at least in the context of the network), the hostname is used for a part of it.

If the computer is moved from a network which has domain to one without (or domain/hostname changes), then currently you need to delete the application certificates and then restart the application so that they are recreated when the application starts. Hopefully in the future we can manage this situation more conveniently.

The certs are in folder C:\ProgramData\Prosys\ProsysOpcUaClient\PKI\CA\private on windows (note that the ProgramData is a hidden folder by default, but copying that to windows explorer should work) and on others OS under (user.home)/.prosys/ProsysOpcUaClient/PKI/CA/private.

– Bjarne

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