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Write Items from a Group in one Transaction
July 11, 2013
11:59, EEST
Rainer Versteeg
Forum Posts: 32
Member Since:
March 21, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

HI !

How can I send Items from a Group in one Transaction.

I have a group[0] with 400 Items. The Group works in async mode.

Do you have an example how i can send it ?


July 17, 2013
7:14, EEST
Otso Palonen
Espoo, Finland
Forum Posts: 32
Member Since:
December 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I apologize for the delay in answering due to the holiday season. Unfortunately we don’t have a ready example for this kind of use case, but if you wish to set several items at one call, you need to use a TPsOPCWriteTransaction with StartTransaction (in TPsOPCGroup).

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