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TPsOPCServer / TPsOPCConnector Errors
November 5, 2016
19:58, EET
Juan Jaramillo
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
November 5, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hello, I am experiencing an abnormal behaviour on our OPC clients when comunicating with our OPC server, it gets a lot of error messages on the TPsOPCServer and TPsOPCConnector components, the errors are on method GetStatus and Refresh2, as the error Object indicates for both event methods. I beg somebody can help because is a big client and is being perjudicated as our aplication controls all the production. One thing to note is that in the other 3 plants of the same client, it is not happening at all

November 7, 2016
0:03, EET
Juan Jaramillo
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
November 5, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hello, is there anybody who can help me?

November 7, 2016
13:03, EET
Jouni Aro
Forum Posts: 1015
Member Since:
December 21, 2011
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If the GetStatus call fails, the reason is because the server cannot be reached. So you have either problems in your network or in your server application, if it is not responding to theses messages.

There is nothing you can do on the client application. The reason why GetStatus is called frequently is to monitor the connection and server state.

November 7, 2016
22:56, EET
Juan Jaramillo
Forum Posts: 3
Member Since:
November 5, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks Jouni, today I got a more detailed information about the error:
It was: The server cannot convert the data between the requested data type and the canonical data type

November 8, 2016
18:49, EET
Jouni Aro
Forum Posts: 1015
Member Since:
December 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Well, that is obviously a server problem then. It would help to know which data types it is trying to convert between. Maybe it has problems, when the client is not defining the requested data type at all – and it does not understand that the default data type is requested.

You can try to define the data types for each items (or OPC VarLinks) manually.

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