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Node State 'Bad'
March 4, 2024
13:54, EET
Forum Posts: 6
Member Since:
October 15, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


some of our customers report that the state of Nodes changes to ‘Bad’ after a certain amount of inactivity (between 15 and 30 minutes).

The general setup is like this, our machine has an OPC UA Server with a couple Nodes (around 100), most of those will only get updated infrequently, some even only once during the startup of the server, as it is essentially static data.

Our customers use a Kepware Client to connect and monitor the Nodes and report that after a certain amount of time (they say between 15 and 30 minutes without changing data) all Nodes are reported as state ‘Bad’.

The question now is if you have any experience with this kind of behavior and have an idea what might cause it? Is there something we can or should do on the server side to force a ‘Good’ state of the nodes? Or do you suspect it to be a quirk of the client?

We could not see this behavior using the Prosys Test Client which we used for initial tests of the Server Implementation.

Patrick Kottmeyer

March 4, 2024
15:56, EET
Jouni Aro
Forum Posts: 1015
Member Since:
December 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi Patrick,

Sounds like the issue that we fixed just last week. If you can contact our sentrol-support by email, I can provide you a beta version to test. The fix will hopefully be out soon in an official version, too.

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