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getComponent() vs. getReferences()
August 5, 2015
17:28, EEST
Christian Hinder
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
August 5, 2015
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


I want to brows on a server all components attached, to see which objects are there.
Now my question is follow:

I put the results into a list for future use.
Therefore I see two possibilities:
1. get the references, and store the ExpandedNodeId or NodeId
2. get the components and store the UaNode.

The second possibility seams for me more nice, because then I don’t have References to nodes which are just as organizers there.
But what I am thinking about is follow:
If I load a UaNode instead a NodeId, does it load as well the whol subtree of it? or is it just the UaNode?
Is there many difference between the used dataspace if I store them in a list?

Thank you for your answer.

August 10, 2015
11:08, EEST
Bjarne Boström
Forum Posts: 1003
Member Since:
April 3, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


It depends what you want do with the nodes later. Loading an UaNode (AddressSpace.getNode) loads all attributes and references. The references that are HasProperty are loaded completely, other references are stored as NodeId in a way that if you do call getXXXNode methods on UaReference it gets the node (AddressSpace.getNode internally). Storing UaNodes takes more space than storing just NodeIds (since a NodeId is similar to a pointer/reference in a programming language and the UaNode is similar to an object containing all the data).

– Bjarne

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